In the June issue

Scintillating sunbird visitors to Kirstenbosch National Botanical Gardens.
Surprises and delights on the Paardeberg.
Bizarre goings-on inside these tunnels in the bark of the Nardouw Pincushion (Leucospermum praemorsum).
The Cape Spiny Mouse - a fynbos Robin Hood amongst villains.
Jo Onderstall visits Kaapsche Hoop, a place of enchantment.
Learning to love aliens - some people NEED Prickly Pears to survive.
Learning about Biodiversity factsheet: Why do trees coppice?
A fantastic Earth Star fungus.
Are there fairies in your garden?
Kids on the Koppies and other episodes in the history of Melville Koppies.
Bulb growers in England burn their fields to promote the growth of some bulbs like these narcissus flowers.
Wild things: photos from BotSoc members. iSpotting in southern Africa. Corinne Merry spots a European Heather halfway up Table Mountain. How on earth did it get there?