iSpot with my little camera ...

iSpot southern Africa is a funtastic website and a way of sharing and identifying the biodiversity around us. SANBI hopes that the site will become the premier Citizen Science portal for southern Africa, providing photographic, distributional and biogeographic data on all taxa, with species lists, surveys and atlas opportunities: a one-stop-shop for recording and exchanging biodiversity information.
Post your pictures; request identifications or information; run formal and informal courses on taxonomy and identification; browse the virtual museum of information; or the verification hubs for surveys, atlassing and backyard biodiversity projects; use it as a tool for biodiversity education and as an opportunity to increase your identification skills and reputation in those groups that interest you.
The site is now fully operational.
ISpot is one of a suite of applications by which SANBI is making biodiversity information available to the public - for more see