The December 2011 issue of Veld & Flora

The lead article is all about Kirstenbosch, one of the most beautiful gardens in the world, by bulb expert, Graham Duncan. Other articles include a look at the Mountain Pride butterfly by Andre Claassens, how to distinguish between some of the Cape Peninsula's blue daisies, the impressive Sneeuberg Centre of Plant Endemism of the Great Escarpment and Gavin Maneveldt asks "Should we include marine kelp forests in our definition of forests as they meet just about all of the criteria for forests as laid down by IUCN?"
Our Learning about Biodiversity centrespread focuses on South African Forests. These pages are specifically compiled with the FET section (Grades 10-12) of the South African school syllabus in mind.
Phakamani Xaba introduces another African plant that is easily cultivated - the African Potato and Errol Moeng urges muthi plant collectors to go the cultivation route in order to preserve some of Limpopo's dwindling wild plants.
There is also an article on the Dendrological Society, news from the BotSoc and CREW and some letters that provide entertaining and thought-provoking reading.
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