Indigenous tree list for the Cape Peninsula

Indigenous tree list for the Cape Peninsula
By Pat Holmes, City of Cape Town (from a newsletter from WESSA).

General trees for non-coastal sunny aspects
Brachylaena neriifolia Cape silver oak small
Canthium inerme Cape date medium
Diospyros whyteana Wild coffee medium
Dodonea viscosa Sand olive small
Grewia occidentalis Corss berry raisin medium
Gymnosporia buxifolia Common spikethron small
Halleria lucida Tree fuchsia medium
Hartogiella schinoides Spoonwood medium
Kiggelaria africana wild peach medium
Leucadendron argenteum Silver tree (requires granite or shale-derived soils) medium
Leucospermum conocarpodendron Tree pincushion small
Maytenus oleoides Rock false candlewood small
Olea capensis subsp. macrocarpa Ironwood tall
Olea europaea subap africana Wild olive small
Podocarpus latifolius yellwowood tall
Protea ntida wagon tree small
Rhus lucida waxy current bush small
Salix hirsuta Cape willow (requires wet site) small
Virgillia oroboides keurboom medium
Widdringtonia nodiflora mountain cypress small

Forest trees
Shade-requiring species
Apodytes dimidiata white pear tall
Cassine peragua Forest spoonwood tall
Celtis africana White stinkwood tall
Chionanthus foveolatus Bastard ironwood medium
Cunonia capensis rooiels (requires wet site) tall
Curtisia dentata Assegai tall
Ilex mitis Cape holly (requires wet site) tall
Maurocenia frangularia Hottentots cherry small
Maytenus acuminata Sybas silky bark medium
Ocotea bullata stinkwood tall
Olinia ventosa hard pear tall
Rapanea melanophloeos Cape beech tall

exposed conditions with alkaline sands

Robsonodendron maritime Copastal silky bark small
Chyrsanthemoides monilifera Bietou small
Euclea racemosa Sea guarrie small
Olea europaea subsp. africana Wild olive small
Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus Candlewood medium
Rhus glauca blue kuni-rhus small
Rhus laevigata Dune currant-rhus small
Sideroxylon inerme White milkwood medium
Tarchonanthus camphoratus Camphor bush
