Submit an article to Veld & Flora

Veld & Flora
Please submit manuscripts in electronic format, either via email:, or on a cd and posted to: The Editor: Veld & Flora, Botanical Society, Private Bag X10, Claremont, 7735.
A printed copy of the manuscript, if posted, in addition to electronic text would be appreciated. Manuscripts should be accompanied by illustrative material - digital photos, slides, photographs, line drawings or original artwork - and emailed (as separate JPEG or TIFF files) or posted to the Botanical Society. Please include credits for these. Please ensure that all people in photographs are named in full. Please include, as far as possible, an approximate scale or indication of the size of a plant, especially for close-up views.
Please note that for large format reproduction, digital images and scans should be 300 dpi, or more and scans should be 21 cm across (from left to right: i.e. the width of a page). For smaller illustrations 70 dpi is acceptable as long as the photo is more than 20 cm wide or high. Please save them as TIFF files or JPEG files for PC. Smaller images can be emailed to us in JPEG files, but please don’t email very large files; rather post them to us on a cd.
A photo of the author (preferably not a mug shot but doing something related to the author’s work) and a short resume of the authors cv is welcome, but not obligatory.
Articles should be a maximum of 2000 words. To minimize unilateral editorial shortening of submitted articles, contributors are urged to keep strictly to the stated text length limit. If a proposed article is significantly longer for any reason, the author should discuss the article with the editor before preparing the material for submission.
The magazine has a broad readership so please avoid technical text and scientific jargon, and use simple language. Subject matter should generally focus on the indigenous plantlife and ecology of southern Africa. Please include full scientific names of plants as well as common names. If the plant has no common name, why not suggest one?
Maps and simple diagrams are welcome, but note that we do not publish lists of figures, graphs, tables and complex diagrams. We don’t usually publish references, but a short list of further reading is acceptable. All books or journals listed should be available in libraries or bookshops. Please include the publisher and date of publication.
Please note that the editor reserves the right to amend, shorten and/or reject an article. Content is planned in advance and your submission may not appear immediately.
Proofs will be sent in PDF form so please include an email address.
Being a non-profit organization, we do not offer any form of remuneration, but authors can request up to five copies of the relevant issue. The article (including any images you submit) will also be posted on the Internet as part of an agreement the Botanical Society has with Sabinet, and can be accessed at Authors can request a special code to access their issue for free. Due care will be taken with material submitted, but the Editorial Committee and the Botanical Society cannot be held responsible for loss or damage.
Articles should be sent to: The Editor, Veld & Flora, Botanical Society, Private Bag X10, Claremont, 7735.
Enquiries regarding publication: Simone van Rooyen, Botanical Society, Tel: (021) 797 2090, Fax: (021) 797 2376, Email:
Enquiries regarding digital images: Rothko International, Tel: (021) 465 9642, Email:
Please be aware that we have a backlog of articles and can only publish on a first come, first served basis.
Please note that for large format reproduction, digital images and scans should be 300 dpi, or more and scans should be 21 cm across (from left to right: i.e. the width of a page). For smaller illustrations 70 dpi is acceptable as long as the photo is more than 20 cm wide or high. Please save them as TIFF files or JPEG files for PC. Smaller images can be emailed to us in JPEG files, but please don’t email very large files; rather post them to us on a cd.
A photo of the author (preferably not a mug shot but doing something related to the author’s work) and a short resume of the authors cv is welcome, but not obligatory.
Articles should be a maximum of 2000 words. To minimize unilateral editorial shortening of submitted articles, contributors are urged to keep strictly to the stated text length limit. If a proposed article is significantly longer for any reason, the author should discuss the article with the editor before preparing the material for submission.
The magazine has a broad readership so please avoid technical text and scientific jargon, and use simple language. Subject matter should generally focus on the indigenous plantlife and ecology of southern Africa. Please include full scientific names of plants as well as common names. If the plant has no common name, why not suggest one?
Maps and simple diagrams are welcome, but note that we do not publish lists of figures, graphs, tables and complex diagrams. We don’t usually publish references, but a short list of further reading is acceptable. All books or journals listed should be available in libraries or bookshops. Please include the publisher and date of publication.
Please note that the editor reserves the right to amend, shorten and/or reject an article. Content is planned in advance and your submission may not appear immediately.
Proofs will be sent in PDF form so please include an email address.
Being a non-profit organization, we do not offer any form of remuneration, but authors can request up to five copies of the relevant issue. The article (including any images you submit) will also be posted on the Internet as part of an agreement the Botanical Society has with Sabinet, and can be accessed at Authors can request a special code to access their issue for free. Due care will be taken with material submitted, but the Editorial Committee and the Botanical Society cannot be held responsible for loss or damage.
Articles should be sent to: The Editor, Veld & Flora, Botanical Society, Private Bag X10, Claremont, 7735.
Enquiries regarding publication: Simone van Rooyen, Botanical Society, Tel: (021) 797 2090, Fax: (021) 797 2376, Email:
Enquiries regarding digital images: Rothko International, Tel: (021) 465 9642, Email:

(The photo of a honeybee on a restio at the top of this post was taken by Johan Booyens and featured in the September 2009 issue of Veld & Flora, p 148-149.)